What takes to be a champion
I was always competitive and loved the competition. I titled 10 retrievers (9 Goldens and 2 Labradors) to Field Champion and/or Amateur Field Champion.
ESPN Great Outdoor Games 2001
In May of 2001, I received a letter from the GREAT OUTDOOR GAMES inviting me to Participate in the ESPN games being held in Lake Placid, NY in mid-July of 2001. It seems that they needed a golden and I was competing at that time with AFC Wherley’s Sour Mash WCX OS. I believe I was the only Woman competing and the only golden.

Owner Spotlight
OTCH Topbrass Cisco Kid OS OBHF (owner Handler – Pauline Czarnecki) CISCO and OTCH Moreland’s Golden Tonka were the 1st two OTCHs of any breed as confirmed by AKC.

The Story of Two Am CH’s
Bang loved to retrieve but could not usually count to 3. She usually was an excellent water blind dog.
The First of Many Notable Breedings
The 1st breeding Of Gypsy to Barty was born July of 1976. It produced my 1st FC AFC Topbrass Mandy.

A Glass of Wine and Topbrass Was Born
Since I needed a KENNEL name, and my same Faculty Friend that went to Colorado to pick up Bronze, came over weekly while her husband taught an evening class at the University, she and I would drink Wine and discuss "life’s events”

Valentine Torch of Topbrass
The breeding produced my Foundation bitch (Valentine Torch of Topbrass WC OD) . Torch was a wonderful bitch that did well in the PUPPY Classes at local dog shows.

Mister goes to Westminster
..I also started showing MISTER in Junior showmanship and qualified for the WESTMINSTER Junior Handler championship…

Then came “Mister”
…a Buff colored Cocker, whom I named (MISTER). I started him in a beginners Obedience class at Humbolt Park in Chicago….

Along come Chips and Parade
I searched for a local breeder of Show Cockers in Illinois and found Clarkdale Cockers in Deerfield, IL. My brother drove me there and I bought a Parti Colored Bitch and named her “Parade”.

How it all started
I always wanted to be able to breed any pets that I acquired, so I had to have a pair whenever I got a new pet.